While I believe that every month is Adopt A Shelter Dog month, apparently the month of October is its official celebration. You might also hear it referred to as Adopt A Dog Month.
There are numerous ways to celebrate the month, but let’s take some ideas from the Humane Society of Charlotte. They have 5 great ways to celebrate, but I’m sure that we can come up with even more!
Mental health. Many of us were finding our limits tested during the lockdowns of the pandemic. If you didn’t bring a pandemic puppy into your home, you could open up your home to a pet and reap the benefits of stress reduction and see both your pet and your blood pressure decrease just by petting them! It’s true.
Exercise. Walking a dog can get you outside more often. It also gets you moving and that is not only good for your weight, but your emotional health as well. And a dog that gets plenty of walk and sniff time is a healthy family member.
Dog people. It is a thing! You’ll meet people on your walks with their pets and could very well strike up a new friendship. Another benefit of adoption.
Unconditional love. No question, the adage that a dog is the only thing that loves you more than itself is true. And that kind of love will change your world. Doubt it? Try it out and see.
Saving lives. Without a doubt, bringing a pet into your home not only saves that pet’s life, but opens up slots for other dogs that might not survive in some shelters. While many have moved to a no-kill philosophy, that isn’t the case for all facilities.
With all the benefits of having a canine companion, we encourage you to consider your local rescue or shelter when picking out a new pet. The experience will be life-altering for all involved. What other ways can you think of that celebrates pet adoption?