If you want to reach All Breed Care by phone, be sure to note our new number. All other methods of contact remain unchanged.
Due to multiple issues with our prior number, we tried unsuccessfully to resolve the issues without modifying our number. Turns out, the number was the culprit itself.
Be sure to update your contact information with our current number: 919-438-2027.
In case you missed it, the message sent out last week is below. Reach out if you have any questions. Thanks for your understanding.
Hello Wonderful Clients!
As some of you know, we have been experiencing issues with our phones for some time. After exhausting every possible potential remedy, (different carriers, different phones and different combinations of the two) the Verizon techs working on it have come to the conclusion that there is something corrupt with our phone number. We have a new number going forward and it's 919-438-2027. Please save and use this number in the future. We have it posted on our website and social media pages.
If you have called, texted or left us a voicemail and have not received a reply, we did not get it and I'm very sorry. It's been very frustrating and we are hoping this change finally solves the problem.
Thank you so much,
Carolyn and the ABC team