The CATalyst Council established Happy Cat Month to educate people every September creating a positive environment for cats.
They focus on health, welfare, and the value of cats as companions. According to their website, “cats are viewed as self-reliant, aloof, and less in need of medical care than dogs.” To address these stereeotypes, the Council promotes education and activities to “ensure cats are well cared for, enriched, and receive the preventive care they need.”
Health is always a good starting point. Making sure that your cat is healthy begins with regular preventive medical care. Since we know that cats can hide pain (see our blog on Pain Awareness Month) it is important to have regular exams and bloodwork performed. And to make sure flea and tick medications and any other relevant prevention is provided.
Once you’ve cleared the health hurdle, the fun begins. Spending time with your cat will build and deepen existing bonds. And what better way to enjoy one another than a good session of pets and cuddles?
If your cat isn’t cuddle prone, consider buying some new toys and having some quality playtime. Or, if you have the resources and desire, since cats are social critters, you could always consider adopting another cat for company.
And don’t forget healthy nutrition. Cats need protein. Wet foods provide hydration as well as nutrients. Consider consulting with your veterinarian if you have questions about what food options are best suited to your particular feline.
Have a Happy Cat Month this month and every month!